Sunday, May 27, 2012

Word Camp for Dummies

So. About the post title. I had to! I mean, it sounds like a legitimate "For Dummies" installment, right? Except...this was real life. I will not say any more. For those of you who attended, you know the half of it!

Basically our company signed up to attend this Wordpress seminar/conference, knowing it was more for the Devs anyways. "Dev" is short for "Developer", FYI. But they had classes for bloggers, new marketers, Wordpress noobs, and even one for Designers!

Sam denying Nathan access to this photo. Lol

Jim and Lisa: some seriously cool people!

Sarah just didn't want to share her coffee with Sam and Hilary

Caitlin and Katie

Tim and Timothy. Being super crazy.

So we went away with the program, doing our thing(s) and coping. We had heard most of this stuff before. I seriously learned everything from working for 3 weeks and listening to the CD's from Thomas. He actually spoke at the WP event, and everyone kept saying how his was one of the best!

One of the most memorable classes I went to was about developing your online voice. Leslie Hancock was wonderful, and now I call her "the Play Doh lady"! She talked about some popular blogs and personas and how they have their own voice and style. Quite fun. You can check out her blog here. Happiness!

This is what I came up with. No notes necessary, just play dough.

A Picture Tim Z. took! We had a loose cannon turtle on our hands.
"Learning" (?) Haha. 
Sam, Hilary and I got burnt our towards the end, so we made "gourmet" items from Play-Dough for the duration of our break. Well, the last session we got out of took longer, so we got out late, and it was not terribly informative. But hey, I got a free shirt out of it! "Code Poet". Cool.
In our spare time, we make awesome things. From Playdough.

In the end, it was a day. We just had fun being with each other. I mean, I learned some, but also it seemed like the Devs could have gleaned more from it. 

Also: if you want to know what the play-doh things we made were, here is the story:

Hilary gave us a category to sculpt. "Gourmet" was the theme. Hil made a lavish plate of tiny food with a cover. Sam made 6 stars. I made a London version of a Hamburger. They are quite the ordeal, being like 6 stories high of meat and stuff, and you have to eat it with a fork and knife. 


Until Niagara falls,

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